Microsoft Fonts
How to install Microsoft fonts for better compatibility with documents and web pages.
On this page
Some office documents and web pages use Microsoft fonts such as Arial and Times New Roman. Because these fonts are under a proprietary license, they can’t be pre-installed in Zorin OS for all users.
As a result, documents and web pages that use these fonts may look a little different in Zorin OS by default.

However, if you have a valid license for Microsoft products that include these fonts (such as Windows or Microsoft Office/365), you are permitted to install them on your Zorin OS computer.
Install Microsoft core (TrueType) fonts
Open the Zorin Menu → Utilities → Terminal.
Enter this command:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install ttf-mscorefonts-installer
Follow the on-screen prompt to accept the Microsoft license agreement. You can highlight the “<OK>” option by pressing the Tab key and select it by pressing Enter. Then, press the <- key to highlight the “<Yes>” option and press Enter.
Enter this command to refresh the font cache:
sudo fc-cache -f -v
You should now be able to view and work with the following Microsoft core (TrueType) fonts:
- Andale Mono
- Arial
- Comic Sans
- Courier New
- Georgia
- Impact
- Times New Roman
- Trebuchet
- Verdana
- Webdings