Create an Encrypted Archive

How to store sensitive files and folders in a password-protected archive file using the Archive Manager app.

  1. Open the Zorin Menu → Utilities → Archive Manager.
  2. Click on the ☰ menu button in the top right corner of the window.
  3. Select “New Archive…” from the menu.
  4. Set the archive’s filename and the location where you wish to save the archive.
  5. Open the drop-down menu beside the “Filename” text field and select the “.zip” or “.7z” file extension.
  6. Click on “Other Options” to expand this section.
  7. Enter the password you wish to set in the “Password” text field. You can also choose to “Encrypt the file list too”. Create a new archive
  8. Press the “Create” button in the top right corner of the dialog.
  9. Press the + button to add files and folders into the encrypted archive.